söndag 20 juli 2014

Feliz dia a todos mis amigos

So, since last time, I have written all my exams. I have sad goodbye to Buenos Aires, explored Rio and landed in Sweden, short version. Little longer version;
When I meet people I like, well, actually, I like the most of them I meet. As Lide Najs says; "love everybody, but trust a few", and thats how I roll. Anyway, I have meet some really special persons in Buenos Aires, that impressed me and taught me things about life. Leaving Buenos Aires was hard, knowing that I would not see the most of them in a long time.
Any way, I enjoyed my last week. I got to see the effect football could have on uniting people. There was lots of joy, big parties, and more persons at the Obelisk than I think lives in Stockholm. That was an experience!

After my last exam, I wished for an asado and grillmaster Gabriel came by and the rest of us brought red wine. Perfect Argentinian night. I went to the museem ESMA, about the time of dictatorship in Argentina, and the Malvia Islands museeum.. 

After packing and fixing, my last night, me, Nicco and Paul had a big fiesta in our flat. Celebrating with friends the good and bad times we had, (mostly good, lots of laughter and our lovely view, but when Im out singing on the balcony my flatmates might think it´s not that great to live with me.. or the small animals that lived in our kithcen). Lots of love and see you soon!

I had a few days of before I was going back to Sweden, so I thought it would be nice to visit Rio. Though, without Sara, but anyway a place I always liked to explore. So, I booked a hotel in Vidigal. A really nice place with a lovely view as well, my German friend, Stefan, came to join me and we watched the final of the world cup at the beach of Copacabana. And as one of the only representative for Argentina I did my best to sing and cheer. (I got my 2 minutes of fame in Brazil as well, a brazilian newspaper took a lots of fotos of me as an Argentinian fan.. I might just change career, sounds much fancier than working as an engineer.. ) Argentina got a second place, but there was not more than a handful of Germans that wanted to celebrate. I mingled around with Stefan and he greeted his land's men. I had my argentinian tshirt and got my first experiance of football hate. A short brazilian lady, with a hight just over my waste and old enough to experienced the first worldcup live in Uruguay. The lady was walking with slow steps and came up to me, told me more swear words than I ever heard in the same sentence (and I been living in Argentina; so that's quite a lot). Why all this hate over a game. Im mixed about the political issues, hiding the favelas, excluding insted of including etc. But a game or nationality should not bring hate. But, of course there was a lot of love and joy as well in the city.

Foto from random site.

Well, the day after I hang out in a beach with the Stefan close to Sheraton where the German team stayed. I took a swim and Stefan took a chance to congratulate the part of the team that was there. 

So, some days of football and some days of exploring beach, Pão de Açúcar, the peak in Vidigal. Thought I must say, I was really tired on my trip, had a lot of feelings, emotions and thought´s from leaving Buenos Aires I guess. And the typical "after-exam-tiredness". I therefore did not really explore the nightlife that I heard such nice things about. I was going out once in Vidigal, that I barely can count as a night out in Rio, though I had really nice company, some Argentinian huligans, and yes, we spoke in castellano. I can do that now, it is cool! But, one night Stefan took me out and we tried the nightlife in Lapa. Last day I meet our friend Patrick for a swim and some Brazilian food before taking my long flight back to Sweden. With a conection in Ethiopia, but could not find any Injera, as I tried, for old times sake. 

Pão de Açúcar with Stefan

Pão de Açúcar with Jesus

Top of the mountain in Vidigal


The veiw from the hostel


Back in Sweden, my parents greeted me at the airport and we spend a day together in Stockholm before they had to head home to Kassjö (it is one of the metropolis in Sweden, you should know it!). Meet Alfred for the first time over a brunch, enjoying the summer, 25 degrees and sun. Loong nights, picnics, friends and family. Now I´m out. Tomorrow is my first day at work. Traveling and exploring was not beneficial for my economy, but for my soul.  


Amor, besos y abrazos a ustedes!

onsdag 9 juli 2014

The final countdown - English edition

So, now with less than one week left in Buenos Aires and more than a week of things to do, and my last exam. How will this end? My conclusion is that I have to come back.

I have had my last big presentation in school. I was a bit nervous, but I did it! Also, I got a lovely group to do my project with, that helped me a lot. They have been really nice and I hope they have had some fun as well. This is a part of our conversation; what-to-wear-during-the-presentation where my dictionary did not really make sense. (and jajaja is hahaha, in Castellano) 

Now, the last 2 months, I have got quite nice routines here. I have found a really nice job  as a volunteer in a kinder garden in a suburb called Villa 31. I have realised that work with children is something I find really important  and enjoy a lot. I have had such a great time, I have been celebrating birthdays, watching theater plays, got a fabric-bracelet that I wear all the time now, and lots of hugs and kisses. With this, my immune system has been working on a higher gear, and I cannot say it always been that successful.. But with all the joy, it is worth it! (and when you have a friend as Linnea that comes with kukeliku medicine aka ice-cream)

(Photos from Detras de Todo. Their webpage; http://www.detrasdetodo.org/index.asp?Seccion=home).

I have also started to dance Bachata, I don´t know why I haven´t taken any dance classes before, it is really fun. But quite hard for a Swedish girl that does not have the rhythm in her blood nor used to dancing that close to people, and especially not strangers. I don´t know if this with personal space is a Swedish thing or just my family, because my family haven´t raised me with lots of hugs, with love but not closeness (hey, I´m not like them, I like hugs, just saying..).  Well, in my last class yesterday I kind of started to figure it out, and I have decided to continue when I get back to Sweden.

Moreover, as Argentina is in the quarter final, I have had the opportunity to rest from my hard days of studying and watch some soccer once in a while. It is really buena onda, good atmosphere and I really hope to see Argentina in the final when I’m in Rio (well, I’m just a student so I will not give you any updates from the stadium). The sensation when Argentina scored against swiza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=902l8fCWfu4
Or from my balcony, with a diseponted english comentator, he did not cheer for Argentina. 
Yesterday I was convinced by Paul and Stefan to join them at the game Germany-Brazil, Stefan got some things to eat and I couldn't resist. But I said that I would only cheer for Germany if they played better.. And, they did. Stefan brought a germany flag and Paul a Germany shirt. We and about 8 others were cheering for Germany in a park where they show all the games. And, with the success of Germany, we were interviewed by 3 different Argentinian television companies and took lots of photos with the German flag. My 3 minutes of fame is while being a fake-german.. Now, a bit more studies and then it is time for the next quarter final, VAMOS ARGENTINA!
Vamos, vamos Argentina,vamos, vamos a ganar,
que esta barra quilombera,
no te deja, no te deja de alentar

Don´t ask what I´m doing in the photo. But it was all love yeasterday!

As it is now Swedish summer and the summer in Sweden is quite short, the best party of the year is when we celebrate the beginning of summer. So, me, Victor and Linnea had a Swedish “Midsommar fest” here in Buenos Aires. We made wreaths, sang songs and had a great time. Another tradition of this party is that before going to bed one should pick 7 different flowers, put under your pillow. When you done that you go to sleep and, the saying is, that you dream about the person you are going to marry.
This and other traditions we tried to explain to our friends. Something’s went well and other things got lost in translation, my friend now thinks we have a 9 day long celebration..

The wine here is amazing, ass the meet, and I will for shore miss it! But I have also been out drinking some beers with my friends that I meet just when I arrived. They made shore that I manage to see something else that just my neighborhood, Palermo. Great times.

Well Palermo is really nice, it has cafés, bars, nightclubs, a chill atmosphere and I really enjoy this part of town. Touristic, but nice. I also enjoy that there are a lot of happenings and street art. 

Street art; Mart in Palermo
Linnea, in Sarkis, a nice arabic restaurante. I´m happy that I found a friend here that is as into food as I am.

There was a 10 km running contest a few days ago, that me and some friends decided to do. It was fun, and for me, good to have something to look forward to when I´m running.

Fanny, me, Victor and Julien after 10 km in "Circuito de estaciones"

Lot of people ask me what I will do when I´m coming home and if I miss Sweden. Well, I miss my sisters, the rest of my family and friends. And also, I will enjoy walking indoors without shoes, I will eat my favorite candy, Geléhallon. I will have summer, so I will enjoy that.

If I´m able to go home, because yesterday I realized that my flight had been canceled. I thought Boludo, and called the airline. They said, “Your connection fight to Sao Paulo have been canceled, does that bother you?” Eh, well, it did. But I now have a flight to Sweden as it seems.     

Sweden, this is what I miss; Geléhallon in the first photo, in the second, me and my sisters.